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Adsep Board Finds “No Basis” After Positive Urinalysis

Defending Those Who Defend Us ®
soldiers celebrating victory

MJA is proud to announce a recent victory on behalf of our client, a Corpsman in the United States Navy. The Corpsman was notified of nonjudicial punishment for allegedly violating Article 112a after failing a urinalysis. The Corpsman refused NJP and demanded trial by court-martial, explaining to his command that he had a lawful prescription and had not wrongfully used amphetamines. MJA submitted extensive written matters on behalf of the Sailor demonstrating his innocence. Ignoring the evidence, the Command requested court-martial charges. MJA immediately worked with the Government prosecutor to not bring criminal charges and to refer the case to an administrative separation hearing. MJA represented the Corpsman at the board hearing and proved that the Sailor did not wrongfully use a controlled substance. The board voted unanimously to find NO BASIS for the alleged drug abuse. The Corpsman was retained on active duty and is excited to continue his military career. Congratulations to this well-deserving client!

MJA Can Help

MJA has successfully represented service members charged with some of the most serious offenses under the UCMJ. If you are facing court-martial or other adverse action, it is absolutely critical that you have an experienced military justice attorney fighting on your behalf. Please contact us today for your consultation.

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